
Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business


We collect data for the given position

We are constantly collecting data from employees so that we can advise you and others on what salary to negotiate in a job interview or in your current job. Fill out the questionnaire and help others.

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Description of job position

  • Assisting guests with concierge services while securing spending their free time and entertainment, including securing reservations in restaurants.
  • Providing guests with recommendations concerning the hotel and its surroundings (restaurant, historic sights, events etc.).
  • Sending and accepting courier packages.
  • Securing immediate delivery of fax messages and of mail to the guests.
  • Responding to the questions of guests, solving eventual problems.
  • Organizing parking of cars.
  • Assisting guests with a rucksack (in case they need it).
Salary range for related positions in category Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business

Low salary

195 EUR

Average salary

341 EUR

High salary

581 EUR