
Human Resources

Education Specialist

Average gross salary in Ivory Coast is
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80% of people earn:
320 - 841 USD
10% earn less lthan 320 USD
10% earns more than 841 USD

Salaries in the survey are expressed in gross.

Based on the Ivorycoast.paylab.com salary survey, 80% of people on the Education Specialist position in the Ivory Coast earn between 320 USD and 841 USD monthly net.

10% of employees earn less than 320 USD and 10% of people earn more than 841 USD.

The survey is based on data from employees, cleaned of extreme and duplicate values.

Description of job position

  • Responsibility for the drawing up a plan of training activities.
  • Determining the training needs and communication with senior staff in developing a training plan.
  • Preparing the group and individual training plans.
  • Introducing the new training systems and new projects.
  • Cooperating in the implementation of professional career system and in creating a system of further education.
  • Creating and implementing the professional career system of employees and creating the processes to ensure the further professional development of employees.
  • Conducting organisation development projects.
  • Independent completing, recording and revising the proposals of training activities (internal and external).
  • Creating and managing the catalogue of training activities.
  • Providing advice on creating training proposals.
  • Preparing and organising internal trainings, preparing technical equipment and the ensuring suitable classrooms.
  • Tracking feedback from conducted training in order to improve the service provided for the necessary staff development.
  • Providing training activities through external training companies.
  • Participating in defining the requirements and specifications for choosing a supplier of training activities.
  • Communicating with the external suppliers of trainings.
  • Covering the current qualification needs.
  • Providing advice to managers and employees concerning the arrangements for further education.
  • Independent developing, designing and documenting trainings and seminars for employees.
  • Conducting or moderating seminars, conferences, group works, case studies, planning and model situations.
  • Performing one´s own training activities.
  • Monitoring and analysing the trends and news in the market of education development and further education of adults and human resources and their implementation as appropriate.
  • Responsibility for keeping records of completed trainings and courses.
  • Preparing reports and statistics on training activities.
  • Presenting the process and outcomes of training activities for audits and controlling.
  • Communicating with other external companies and institutions (secondary schools, universities, training and educational centres, educational agencies, etc.) in order to achieve an effective co-operation in implementing joint projects.

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The most common career path of an employee

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Position Education Specialist - Human Resources in the labour market

In the salary ranking,
the job position takes

221. place

Women representation in position


Average age of respondent by position


655. place

Nursery School Teacher Assistant

Education, Science & Research

Salary group 1

153 - 333 USD

222. place

Media Buyer

Marketing, Advertising, PR

Salary group 2

294 - 873 USD

221. place

Education Specialist

Human Resources

Salary group 2

320 - 841 USD

220. place

Technical Writer

Information Technology

Salary group 2

315 - 855 USD

1. place

Chief Executive Officer

Top Management

Salary group 3

566 - 3,614 USD

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